Thursday, June 23, 2016


When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, one of the primary targets was the USS Nevada.  The Japanese were hoping to block the harbor by sinking the Nevada in the narrow channel entrance. Instead of heading out to sea and risk being disabled in the channel, the badly damaged ship beached itself at Hospital Point. A memorial was erected to honor the 60 crewmen who lost their lives on that day.

On Saturday, June 18, 2016, I accompanied a few friends on a night tour of Ford Island in Pearl Harbor.  One of our stops was at Hospital Point.  There were four of us in the group, and except for a lone security car, no one else was at the location.  I took several shots of the shoreline while investigating this location.  This is what showed up in three of the photographs.

This first photograph is of Irene White (left) and my sister, Jill Okita (right), using their EMF detector and Ovilus to investigate the shoreline at Hospital Point. If you look directly beyond where Jill is squatting, you'll be able to make out a spirit figure walking towards them.

This is a cropped, close-up of the entity walking near the water's edge.

Photo #2. This shot was taken immediately after the first photograph.  There is a spirit figure in the background.  Unlike the first figure, this one looks to be walking towards the water.

Photo #3.  This shot was taken 4 frames after the two photographs above.  After lightening the picture a bit, a figure can be seen walking along the shoreline.  It looks completely different from the figures in the first two photographs.

This is a cropped, close-up of the figure in the third photograph.

Finally, here is a lightened version of the anomaly.  It appears to be two people; one holding up or supporting another person.  

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